Members support is the lifeblood of our Club as a special place to meet, work and socialise. Another way to strengthen and support the club you have supported throughout your life and whose cause you feel strongly about, is a bequest or donation.
As a club we depend on regular and one-off donations and bequests from our members and wider supporters to continue to offer a quiet special place of conviviality calm and privacy. Many of the most helpful contributions to our club have come from donations or bequests from the estates of generous donors.
Have you considered donating to the club or making a bequest in your will?
It’s a great way to continue to support the club and leave a legacy for future generations after you have passed away. You can stipulate how you wish the money to be spent eg for maintenance, art, furniture or fixtures and fittings and it will be ringfenced, as necessary.
Lifetime gifts or regular small donations to the club can also reduce the amount of inheritance tax (IHT) payable later on your estate (subject to tax advice).
For all donations or bequests to the Club please direct your enquiry to,