The Queen’s Birthday Honours 2016Congratulations to our members who have been honoured in the Queen's Birthday Honours List 2016.Read more
Learning what to look for!Another excellent Art Society event was held on Tuesday 3rd May in the Antrim Room.Read more
New Carpet in Business RoomOur Business Room has been improved greatly with its bright new carpet- Don't forget about this very useful Member facility tucked away at the top of the houseRead more
Charitable Funds Raised 2015During the year, Members and their guests were again extremely generous at the various events organise by the House, Sports & Social Committee. Listed here are the amounts raised.Read more
Happy Easter to all our MembersWe will be closed for Easter on Friday 25th, Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th March. Have a look at our event section to see our excellent Summer 2016 calendar.Read more
The Treasurer’s Report on the 2022 accounts is available to download here as a pdf file. Please be advised that download times for pdf files tend to be longer due to the amount of data contained within.