The Gathering of the Clubs!The New Club, Edinburgh hosted our biannual Northern UK & Ireland Club Secretaries meeting on Monday, 22nd May.Read more
New Reciprocal ClubsWe are very pleased to have some excellent new additions to our Reciprocal Clubs list.Read more
Charitable Funds raised 2016During the year, Members and their guests were again extremely generous at the various events organised by the House, Sports & Social Committee. Listed here are the amounts raised.Read more
President’s Report on behalf of the Management Committee 2016/17It is my pleasure to present the report for 2016.Read more
Gone Fishin’ with Member, Professor Chris ParisThis was my fifth trip to New Zealand in search of trout.Read more
The Treasurer’s Report on the 2022 accounts is available to download here as a pdf file. Please be advised that download times for pdf files tend to be longer due to the amount of data contained within.