Members and guests sit down to hear our Guest Speaker, Dr Quinn, at noon, followed, at approximately 1pm, by lunch.
£27.50 per person
‘by ticket only’
Roast Tomato & Basil Soup with fresh Bread
Roast Chicken Breast served with Peppercorn & Brandy Cream
Chef’s selection of Vegetables and Potatoes
Freshly ground & brewed Coffee
Dr Joseph Quinn, a London-based Irish academic historian, is a specialist on Britain and Ireland during the Second World War. In 2016, he received his PhD from Trinity College Dublin. His thesis research focused on the recruitment of both southern and northern Irish volunteers to the British forces during the Second World War.
He is currently preparing his first monograph for publication with Cambridge University Press on the topic of Irish volunteers in the British forces during the Second World War.
From the end of July, Joseph will be taking up a post at the University of Oxford where he will serve as a Project Coordinator on a nationwide Second World War public history project entitled, “Their Finest Hour”.
The Irish in the British Army
During the Second World War, thousands of Irish men and women from north and south joined the British armed forces.
As part of his talk, Joseph will discuss the valuable role of Northern Ireland as a recruiting district and mustering ground for the Allied armed services and will reveal how many people from the island volunteered in the six-county area during the war.